Thursday, March 17, 2011

Ingredients for Perfect Web App Recipe , Silverlight 4.0 + WCF RIA Service+ Entity Framework

When Silverlight launched in 2006 , world saw it merely as a flash replacement but with Silverlight 4 things have changed a lot .Now Silverlight far ahead from its adobe competitor at least in terms of technology implementation and rich development environment .RIA enabled Business Apps with Silverlight is not just  a illogical stich of  technology concept but it is a well thought architectural paradigm shift ,In this post i am going to introduce RIA services in .Net framework 4.0 using Silverlight .
What is Silverlight
Needs no introduction , still if you are new then refer this wiki article What is Silverlight.
What is Entity Framework
Well a brief introduction has been published in my earlier posts , Refer ADO.Net Entity Framework
What Is WCF RIA Service
RIA applications give user rich desktop type like UX with client side browser plugin such as Silverlight.It differs from traditional web applications which mostly relies on stateless HTTP Requests to do operations where as RIA employs a State full client and async operation with servers on client demand.
Silverlight 4.0,WCF RIA Service, Entity Framework
Silverlight 4.0,WCF RIA Service, Entity Framework
In RIA ,the  app logic exposed to the client side needs to access the data and perform CRUD operation .Exposing all the operation code in client side will never be a good idea ,then how will it access ????By the way here WCF Services for RIA comes into picture.Then how RIA solves the problem ,let look into the diagram bellow it is quite self explanatory

Silverlight 4.0,WCF RIA Service, Entity FrameworkSilverlight 4.0,WCF RIA Service, Entity FrameworkSilverlight 4.0,WCF RIA Service, Entity FrameworkSilverlight 4.0,WCF RIA Service, Entity Framework ,